Monday, January 17, 2011

Poor Jenny

Jenny hurt her leg today. We're not really sure how, she was kind of running through the living room, then she was standing by the kitchen door with her front paw up and she was whimpering. Eric carried her down to the family room where she has been laying for the last few hours. She's attempted to get up a couple of times, but gave up. If she's not up by tomorrow, I'll have to take her to the vet. I hope it's nothing too serious!! She looks so sad and helpless...


  1. OH NO!! Poor Jenny, she LOOKS like she's in pain!! Have you tried gently touching the joints in her bad leg? Is it her right leg? It looks a little bent or something in the photo.... :<

  2. Yeah, it's her right leg. She's let us touch it gently, but she pulls back some. She can't put any weight on it. She tried. She's sleeping now. And resting her leg.

  3. I sure hope it's just a pulled muscle and not a broken bone! She definitely needs a visit to the vet, though. Poor little Granddog.

  4. I just wanted to mention that since she's not getting around, don't forget to put her water bowl next to her so she can get to it! It doesn't take very long for a dog to get dehydrated......

  5. Thanks for the tip. She just drank a whole bunch, hobbled two steps and laid back down.


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