Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jenny's Life

Jenny got a nice belly rub today, by a foot that just happened to be hanging around. She often finds feet and plops herself near them, hoping for a scratch or two.

She also got to go for a nice walk around the block today. This snowbank is going to be around for awhile. I wonder if she knows that there's grass under all that snow.

Jenny found a fresh area of snow to run around in. Soon enough, the snow will be gone. And will be replaced by a giant mud pit. With thousands of little land mines. Of the joys of Spring!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ho Hum.

Still waiting for warmer weather to get here so we can go out and play. Boy, this winter is dragging!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

This is what went on at Jenny's house today... not much!
Designed by Lena Graphics by Melany